Qualities Needed
By Homeowner Association Managers

  • The willingness to learn everything possible about the profession of managing community associations. This means taking classes, training courses, and reading materials supplied from time to time by our company. See: HOA Articles.
  • Having respect for the law. This means learning and complying with all of the legal requirements placed on property managers and HOA boards.
  • Being conscious of safety and security risks at all times promptly communicating known risks to management in writing.
  • Being reliable. People are either reliable or unreliable. There are no degrees of reliability. A homeowner association manager must be reliable. The board of directors, management firm, and every resident are all relying on the HOA manager to perform his or her duties.
  • The willingness and ability to work flexible hours. Emergencies occur with all properties at all times. Consequently, flexibility is critically important.
  • Computer skills are required. Community association managers must be able to send emails, complete fill in the blanks standard form letters, and complete routine management reports.
  • The ability to handle emergencies calmly while under pressure including plumbing problems, roof leaks, injuries, and flooding are all situations that homeowner association managers must deal with from time to time. As an HOA manager, you must be able to maintain a level head and make the correct decisions while under pressure. While you will receive excellent training and backup by the firm, you are on the front line and must perform.
  • You must be committed to service. This is an attitude that should be developed by all members of our team. Our purpose is to provide professional service to the owners of the association we manage and to improve their communities and property values. See: Mission Statement of American HOA Management.
  • The disposition to treat every resident with respect, kindness, patience, and in a polite manner at all times, even when difficult.



American HOA Management

English: 626-788-1700
Chinese: 818-661-9255