Mobile Home Park Common Interest Developments

American HOA Management provides property management services to mobile home parks that are condominiums or cooperatives anywhere in California.

The president of American HOA Management has represented mobile home parks as an attorney over a period of 22 years and has managed and/or financed California mobile home parks that consist of cooperatives, condominiums, and rental parks.

If you are on the board of a mobile home park in California, please contact us for a management proposal.

Important information and links to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD):


California Mobile Home Residency Law

The Mobilehome Residency Law: Rights and Obligations of Mobilehome Park
Homeowners, Tenants, and Management

Park Inspection Resident Information Booklet

Glossary of Manufactured Home Terms

Pros and Cons of Purchasing a Stock Cooperative


American HOA Management
English: 818-991-9019
Chinese: 818-661-9255