Minutes of Board Meetings
Minutes of HOA meetings are required by law. They should reflect what was done at a meeting, not on what was said.
One of the most important items to be included is an action list for the property manager and each member of the board, to be reviewed at the next meeting. While not every item may be accomplished, the list should be reviewed in order to monitor progress.
Following is a list of information that should be included in all minutes:
- Name of association;
- Type of meeting: regular, special, emergency, or executive session;
- Date, time, and location;
- Start time and end time;
- List of people in attendance including the manager, contractors, vendors, and other professionals such as consultants;
- Approval of minutes of prior meetings, including how each director voted;
- Treasurer's report;
- Committee reports;
- Motions made and the results of board actions;
- Executive session;
- Announcement of next meeting dates, times, and locations; and
- Adjournment announcement.
Draft minutes of open board meetings must be made available to owners within thirty days.
Approved minutes should be maintained in a binder by the corporate secretary and passed on to successors at the appropriate time. Approved minutes should always be provided to the management company so it can provide them to escrow companies in connection with sales and refinance transactions.
Boards should consider hiring a professional recording secretary to take minutes.
Board's Failure to Take and Maintain Minutes
American HOA Management
English: 818-991-9019
Chinese: 818-661-9255