HOA Portfolio Manager Training

Manger training and education is a top priority with our firm. Our goal is to have the best educated, trained, and motivated HOA management staff in the industry which the reason we offer all managers and assistant managers who join our company with a comprehensive course that consists of twenty sessions of two hours each summarized below:


Assessment Collections


Business Judgment Rule

Bylaws, Restatements, Amendments

CC&Rs, Enforcement, Restatements, Amendments

Conflicts of Interest


Davis-Stirling Act

Day Care Facilities

Developer Transition

Disciplinary Hearings


Duties of Board Members

Duties of Homeowners

Duties of Officers

Election Procedures

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Emergency Assessments

Emergency Meetings

Establishing Enforceable Operating Rules

Executive Sessions

Financial Reports

Glossary of HOA Insurance Terms

Glossary of HOA Terms

HOA Insurance, Earthquake Insurance


Litigation Exposure

Loss Assessment Coverage

Minutes of Meetings and Notices

Mutual Water Companies


Open Meeting Act

Pet Rules

Powers of the HOA

Question and Answer Session

Reasonable Accommodations


Reserve Studies

Sale of Units/Lots


Tax Return Requirements

TIC Housing

Why HOAs Get into Trouble

Year End Disclosure Requirements

American HOA Management

English: 626-788-1700
Chinese: 818-661-9255