Evaluate Your HOA Management Company

Does your HOA manager return your telephone calls promptly?
Does your management company vigorously pursue the collection of delinquent assessments in order to minimize losses to the association?
Is employee turnover excessive?
Does your HOA manager anticipate problems before they become major areas of concern?
Do you receive accurate financial reports on a timely basis?
Does your management company have adequate checks and balances in their accounting department?
Is your HOA manager well prepared for all meetings?
Does your HOA manager obtain contract bids and make sound recommendations?
Does your HOA manager make periodic inspections and prepare written reports for you?
Are you receiving the benefit of volume purchasing power?
Is your HOA management company so large, you have become unimportant to them?
Does your management company have someone on staff who is an HOA insurance expert?
Is there a back-up manager available if your property manager is unavailable for more than 24 hours?
Does your management company expose your association and its board to unnecessary liability?
Does your manager treat non-board members with kindness and respect?
Is your management company a member of Community Associations Institute and the California Association of Community Management so they can stay informed of new laws and other matters of vital importance to homeowner associations?
Are you paying too much for the services you are receiving?


American HOA Management is large enough to provide all of your association's needs, but small enough that board members can call and talk to the president of the company. Can you say that about your management company?

Call us today if you are not completely satisfied with your management company. Perhaps it is time for a competitive proposal. Remember, when your association saves money, so do you. We make board members look good.


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American HOA Management
English: 818-991-9019
Chinese: 818-661-9255