Election of Officers by Board of Directors

Officers, including the positions of president, vice president, secretary, and chief financial officer or treasurer, must be elected by the directors of associations at an open noticed meeting of the board.

Given that a four-day notice is required to be provided to the membership along with an agenda, most newly elected boards hold their first board meeting approximately one week after they are formally elected to the board. The first item on the agenda is the election of officers.

Nominations for each office (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) are made by board members, not the membership. No second is needed for nominations. Directors may nominate themselves. Each nomination is then voted on by the board.

The vote is frequently done by voice vote but may be conducted by secret ballot if one or more directors makes a request. If conducted by secret ballot, each director writes the. name of the person they are voting for on a slip of paper. Inspectors of Election are not required for counting these ballots. The person with the most votes wins the office. The process is repeated for each officer until all positions are filled. All directors may participate in the voting for officers, including those directors who are nominees for the office at issue. The rule on abstaining from voting on a matter of direct personal interest does not mean that a member cannot vote for himself of herself for an office. Officers serve until their term of office has been completed or changed by the board.

Whenever there is a partial change in the board, due to an election, a new election of officers must take place.

Unless required by an association's bylaws or CC&Rs, officers are not required by law to be members of the board or members of the association. However, it is highly recommended that they at least be members of the association.


Duties of President

Duties of Vice President

Duties of Treasurer

Duties of Secretary

Duties of Member at Large


American HOA Management

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Chinese: 818-661-9255