Community Associations - Names
Community Associations are referred to by different names as follows:
Common Interest Development (CID)
This is the term used by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) and is the preferred term in California. It is also the term used in the Davis-Stirling Act. California divides CIDs into four categories: (1) Condominiums, (2) Planned Developments, (3) Stock Cooperatives, and (4) Community Apartment Projects.
Community Association
This is the term used by Community Associations Institute (CAl), a large, national trade organization. It is also the term used by the Bureau of Condominiums of Florida.
Common Interest Community (CIC)
This is the term used by the National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws. This law was not adopted by California which follows the Davis-Stirling Act.
Common Interest Realty Association (CIRA)
This is the term used by the American Institute of Public Accountants (AIPA).
Common informal names include:
- Property Owners Association (POA)
- Owners Association
- Homeowner Association (HOA)
- Townhouse Association
- Townhome Association
- Planned Unit Development
American HOA Management
English: 818-991-9019
Chinese: 818-661-9255