Brush Clearance Minimum Guidelines
Following are minimum guidelines for brush clearance for associations in high-risk fire areas. The local fire department should always be consulted for local requirements.
Highways, Streets, Alleys, and Driveways
All bush, weeds and grass must be cut 3" in height for a distance of 10' from all highways, streets, alleys and driveways.
Grass, Weeds, and Brush
- Grass and weeds must be cut 3" in height.
- Native brush must be trimmed up from the ground 1/3 of its total height and be no closer than 18' from structures.
- All brush, weeds and grass must be cut 3" in height for a distance of 10' from all combustible fences.
- Trees need not be spaced 18' apart.
- Branches must be trimmed up to 6' from the ground. All dead branches must be removed.
- Branches must be trimmed up to 5' from any roof, even if the branches are from trees belonging to a neighbor which overhang on the association's property.
- Trees shall be trimmed so the foliage is no closer than 10' from the top of the chimney.
- Roof surfaces must be maintained free of substantial accumulation of leaves, needles, twigs, and all other combustible materials.
Cut Plant Material
- Cut plant material must be removed in a legal manner.
- All plant material may be machine processed (chipped) and spread back onto the property, subject to local fire department regulations.
American HOA Management
English: 818-991-9019
Chinese: 818-661-9255