Assistant HOA Portfolio Manager Wanted

Our management company is growing. Therefore, we are in need of an additional assistant HOA portfolio manager with a minimum of one year of portfolio management experience and a basic knowledge of the Davis-Stirling Act. We provide our managers with extensive training that includes Davis-Stirling, construction issues, governing documents and much more. Our compensation package combined with the culture of our company is designed to minimize staff turnover. Minimizing staff turnover benefits our HOA clients, our staff, and the company.

Our employment benefit package includes the following:

  • The work week consists of 36 hours. You will be off on Fridays at noon and will be paid overtime for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours per pay and over 32 per week.
  • You will be paid as an employee not as an independent contractor. By law, managers are employees. Thus, we will pay all employee taxes and you will be covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance.
  • In addition to your salary, you will receive an auto expense allowance and mileage reimbursement for every business mile driven.
  • You will receive 3 weeks of vacation every year after a 30-day probation period.
  • You will receive benefits under a group policy that includes health, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits.
  • You will receive 10 days off per year that you may apply to sick leave, bereavement, or personal days off for such things as medical and dental appointments.
  • The company will reimburse you for any classes offered by the Community Associations Institute or California Association of Community Managers.
  • You may work from your home 5 days a week.
  • A part-time assistant will be made available who will send out board meeting notices, agendas, violation notices, and annual disclosure notices.
  • You will receive a highly competitive salary based upon your industry experience and professional designations earned and a matching 401K plan.

American HOA Management

English: 626-788-1700
Chinese: 818-661-9255